“The John Wick of Poker” – Interview with Castle Talk podcast
I had a fabulous conversation with Jason Henderson of Castle Bridge Media, talking about The Wildcard on the Castle Talk podcast. It was a blast – thanks for having me on, Jason! The interview is up online, so have a listen: https://www.spreaker.com/user/12149820/kathryn-wildcard-rev Listen to “Castle Talk: The John Wick of Poker — Talking Kathryn Hore’s […]
New Book Contract News!
So I can finally announce… I’ve signed a book contract with Allen & Unwin. Allen & Unwin! OMG, you can’t imagine how excited I am. 🤩 The book is a feminist western and it’s been my whole focus for at least the last 18 months, with the first drafts written much earlier than that. Turns […]
Unboxing The Wildcard
Yay! Look what’s arrived…my author copies of The Wildcard are here! Yay! Many thanks to Mark Hudson for making such a cool video of the unboxing. Now here it is…. https://www.kathrynhore.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Unboxing-–-The-Wildcard-Kathryn-Hore.mov
Cover Reveal
And here it is…..the cover of The Wildcard The art and design is by US-based Ioanny Dimov, who’s done an amazing job. Here’s a link to more info on the publisher’s site: https://ifwgaustralia.com/2020/12/23/cover-reveal-the-wildcard-by-kathryn-home/ To be released in April 2021… pre-orders will open soon!
Announcing…..The Wildcard
The announcement is out folks – I’ve signed a book contract with IFWG Publishing Australia to publish my novel, The Wildcard. Quick, go here to see the full announcement! 😀 I began writing The Wildcard in 2013, while I was studying, working and having babies all at once (so never let anyone tell you there’s […]
And, so…
When I was a small child, maybe seven or eight, maybe ten – I don’t know, it was a long time ago, all right? – and I was asked what I wanted to do when I grew up, I had two definite answers: I wanted to have children and I wanted to write books. Real, […]
Continuum 15, it was grand
So I attended Continuum 15 in fine old Melbourne Town last weekend. For three days I watched, listened, pitched, panelled, talked, laughed, admired, caught up with old friends, made new ones, met a huge number of very lovely people, and drank way too much wine. I went with a certain agenda – to pitch my […]
Shadow Winners Announced!
For those of you who couldn’t be at Continuum 15 to see the Australian Shadows Awards winners announcements last Saturday, you missed a grand night 🙂 Here is the full list of winners – but first, a pic of the wonderful Silvia Brown, this year’s convener and MC of the awards, presenting the winner of […]
The Shadows Awards – Shortlists Announced!
Hey folks, the shortlists are announced for the Australian Shadows Awards and it’s a stellar lineup. I don’t have anything shortlisted, I didn’t enter this year because I’m on the judging panel 😀 And I’ve had a seriously amazing time reading some of the best Australasian horror short stories produced in 2018. It was an […]
ASA Award Mentorships
So, this happened: Winners Announced for the ASA and Copyright Agency Writers’ and Illustrators’ Mentorship Program 2019 I’m just a massive bit excited, as you might expect. I’ve been awarded the mentorship for a YA manuscript I currently have in development – a Western, that’s also speculative fiction, but still mostly Western. SpecFic and Westerns […]